Sunday, February 24, 2008

Self intro1

waktu gw masuk ke STT, gw sempet nyesel, hampir tiap malem yang ada dikepala gw cuma 1 pertanyaan 'why on earth i ended up, in this sh*thole?'
hehehe parah y..., y namanya juga kecewa, pengen masuk jurusan mesin seh dulu, soalnya gw suka banget ma mekanik, tapi malah nyasar ke komputer.

n sekarang di semester terakhir(amiiiiiinn) gw baru sadar ternyata, i really into this computer stuff.. the first time i learn how to program is the most wonderfull experience i ever had...
hehehe, temen gw ada yang tanya 'zeft napa seh lo seneng banget berinteraksi dengan komputer..?' gw g pake mikir, langsung gw jawab 'because computer does exactly what i wanted!' hehehe, iya kan, aturan nya jelas, g ngelawan ^^, coba klo ngomong ama orang bisa susah saya..

wkkkkk, klo dipikir2 autis banget gw, gw pernah mengalami masa dalam hidup gw, klo human comunication is delightfull, sampe2 ada temen gw ngusulin gw jadi pengacara ???? karena dia bilang 'Lo itu komunikatif banget!' g percaya kan.. iya sekarang gw aja g percaya.. ,
tapi kok sekarang gw malah suka gelagapan didepan orang, apa gara2 sering2 ma komputer ?

does computer dramatically change my way of life? maybe...
its like ekstacy, especially when i found some trouble when i code or doing just about anything with my computer, and then found the solution with all the hastle, it felt like, ... orgasm ?? or something like that, you get the picture...

moral: sh*thole would've been worse.. ^^

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