Sunday, January 11, 2009

DBGpClient v1.0.2: Vim PHP debugger update

I've said it before, that I'm not able to work with this script at least for next month, sorry.. cant keep my promise ~_~ .. heres an update (the urge's really annoying, cant help it :p)

1.0.2 changelog from 1.0.1

changes :
- add '!' on function declaration to override any declarated function with the
same name thx to Michael Bahnmiller
- add new path to check for a windows system. If you are using windows put the
files (debugger.vim and debugger.vim) your $VIM/vimfiles/plugin this usually
"C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\plugin" thx to ning

bug fixes :
- bugs on windows system regarding the file path (from xdebug xml message)
which append '/' at the beginning, thx to Ning for notified me
- cannot set breakpoint when the debugger isn't running (my bad) thx to Michael

known issue :
- do not reorder tab while debugging session is running!, unless you want to
see crazy things

as usual, you've got something to say, drop em here.. thx !

download update


Anonymous said...

Just tried out the latest.

Kudos! Good work! :D Thanks for the credits :)


ning said...

Yes, it's well done. :-D

Good work.

Anonymous said...

it seems as though the response from an eval does not contain the fullname attribute. this is creating an issue when the response data is returned in the watch window. instead of getting the name of the data type you get EVAL_RESULT instead. the offending code in is in the if block on line 337. great work on the improvements!

Zeft said...

yes paul, this is an issue I'm actually working on :), thx for dropping by..

Unknown said...

I'm having an issue that I can't seem to find any answers to. The F11, F12 and eval don't do anything when I run vanilla VIM. If I use GVIM it works. Any ideas?

Thanks for the good work.