finally I can get my applet working in firefox,
I'm writing an applet application in my ubuntu box, and here's the first configuration
- eclipse 3.3
- jdk1.6.0_03
- firefox
- sun java plugin 6
so, I tried my luck with java5, and here's the second configuration
- eclipse 3.3
- java-1.5.0-sun-
- firefox 2.00.14
- sun java plugin 5
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class
oops, forgot to change the JDK compliance setting on my eclipse from 6.0 to 5.0 (window->preferences->java->compiler), voila, it run :)
if any of you wondering whats the error above, basically because you've build a java program using newer compiler, but running it under older jre. For example you've compiled your program using JDK 1.6, on eclipse, and when you tried to run it with your default jre set to 1.5, then you'll get those error throw at you.
And yes, with java5 I was also able to run applet from another site..
so for now my conclusion is,
don't use java6, if you want to write, or run applet application
I hope they'll fixed it soon..
and just a tip:
when you deploy your applet on web page, if you've put your .class file(s) under a directory inside your web root, don't prefix the code properties of applet tag with "./", or browser will say applet loading failed.
dont use :
<applet code="./control/HelloWorld.class" height="400" width="400"></applet>
instead use :
<applet code="control/HelloWorld.class" height="400" width="400"></applet>
keyword : applet, firefox, java 6 plugin, ubuntu, hang, crashed
just want to leave a comment.
nice blog-u write it in english i mean...
first step to go international huh?
gud luck.
thx for the link anyway. :)
your always welcome :)
nice blog...
actually i dont know what to say just feel that i want your brain :D :D
like I've said before, my brain is a bundle with everything else :)
I upgraded to Java6 and the desktop applets would hang. I went back to Java5 and things seems to work again sort of... Still in transition thinking it may be a firewall problem blocking applets, but this just started happening as of last week 8/11/2008. It hangs with firefox and IE~
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